Looking for the best family and divorce lawyer in Sydney ?

We  make it easy for you with our tips!

Divorce and separation are bad enough!

But now you must try and find the best family and divorce lawyer in Sydney to help you navigate this life-changing time.

Going though a relationship break-up can be harrowing and your worst nightmare, especially if this was the last thing you expected or wanted. For those of you who initiated the divorce or break-up this is also not an easy time. If you have children, then matters can escalate and get out of control quickly. Finding the best family and divorce lawyer in Sydney is the key to you having a successful outcome.

Here are some things you should look out for if you want the best divorce and family lawyer!

  1. Find a lawyer that you genuinely respect and like. After all lawyers are people and a person to person connection is important. You need to trust and have faith in your divorce lawyer’s advice and expertise.
  1. Make sure that they are specialists in divorce or family law matters. The days of being able to know all areas of law are gone. Family law is highly specialised and requires experience and high skill in negotiation, collaboration and advocacy.
  1. Check out their google reviews. Independent reviews by former clients is always a great way to discover whether you have chosen the best family and divorce lawyer in Sydney.
  1. Has the time for you and your matter! If the family lawyer is too busy and unable to handle your matter promptly and with diligence, then drop them. You will be frustrated with the process. The last thing you need is a lawyer that makes this worse because they simply don’t have the time. Move on!
  1. Check out whether they are collaborative family lawyers. The best divorce lawyers are those who care enough to try and resolve their client’s issues without having to go to Court. Collaborative Family Law offers people the chance to work together to get through this difficult time, without destroying everyone in the process.


The information provided here is not legal advice. If you are looking for the best family and divorce lawyer in Sydney, Cominos Family Lawyers is a caring and well-established firm since 2011. To contact us call 02 8999 1800 or email pamela@cominoslawyers.com.au