Going through divorce or a break -up? 

For many men  divorce is a time of stress and uncertainty. Often, men feel guilty especially if they have been unhappy for a long time and wanted the relationship to come to an end. Unfortunately, divorce may be triggered by another love or emotional interest and this compounds the pain for everyone.

Understandably if you’re a man looking at divorce  it can be challenging and often a very lonely and isolating time, especially if you don’t have the family or friendship networks to support you.

Making the decision to see a Divorce Lawyer is not easy but it is essential especially if you have children or property with your former partner.


It’s time to see a divorce lawyer for men:

  1. If you’re worried about seeing your children

If you are worried that you will be stopped or prevented from seeing your children, then it’s wise to get specialist family law advice. You and your ex may no longer be together, but your children need loving and connected relationship with both parents. Don’t leave it too long before you and your ex work out a parenting arrangement – it’s important that the children don’t miss out on seeing both of you!


  1. If your ex has filed at Court for Custody or Property Settlement

Don’t try and do this alone! Too many people try and represent themselves, only to make things worse for themselves. Let’s face it, you can’t self-diagnose with Google, so don’t think you know the intricacies of divorce law.

Always get legal advice and representation if your matter is in Court. Children Custody matters are never straight-forward, and money and finances need to be worked out in a rational and commercially sound way – again get specialist legal advice!


  1. If you are worried about paying for two homes


We know that going through divorce is not easy and does create financial losses for everyone (at least in the short-term). If you are worried about ongoing payments of mortgage, rent or children’s education – get legal advice to help you make the best decisions for yourself and family.


  1. If you are unsure about Child Support or Maintenance for you Ex-Spouse


If you’re being hassled by your ex -partner to pay more child support or spousal maintenance but you’re not sure about your financial responsibilities, then seek legal advice.  It’s understandable to be lost and confused about what is the ‘right’ payment to make. There is no point in agreeing to payments that you may not be able to afford in the long-run or are even unsure where the money is going. Of course, children need money to be cared for – and all parents have this obligation to their children. Getting specialist divorce law advice will ensure that what is being asked of you is fair and reasonable.


Men’s feelings and emotions are often forgotten in the divorce process. It can be a time of change and distress, especially if the marriage or relationship has been a long one. At this challenging time, self-care and keeping a positive attitude will help you get through this time.


                             “It’s in our darkest moments in our life that we can choose to focus on the light”



The information provided here is not legal advice. It is only of a general nature for public information.