by Pamela Cominos | Mar 6, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Surrogacy
On 3 December 2015, the Attorney-General for Australia, George Brandis announced a surrogacy inquiry and has written to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and legal affairs to undertake the surrogacy inquiry. The surrogacy inquiry is an...
by Pamela Cominos | Feb 18, 2016 | General Legal Matters
High Net Worth Property -Family Law Many of our clients are high net worth property family law clients who require specialised and accurate advice and information on their property settlement when going through a separation or divorce. We have expertise in...
by Pamela Cominos | Feb 15, 2016 | General Legal Matters
Eastern Suburbs Family Law Cominos Family Lawyers has been helping Eastern Suburbs Family Law clients since 2010. We are very proud of of commitment to our clients, our expertise and our service being second to none. A recent case we completed in February 2016...
by Pamela Cominos | Feb 9, 2016 | General Legal Matters
Family Law Cost Agreements As of 1 July 2015, new laws came into effect with regard to legal costs and costs agreement. The new laws came into effect under the Legal Profession Uniform Law 2014 (the Uniform Law) and must be complied with by all lawyers. In...
by Pamela Cominos | Jan 24, 2016 | Divorce, Family Violence, General Legal Matters, Health and Wellbeing, Mediation
How to Divorce Smart? With one in three marriages ending in divorce and over 40,000 children under the age of 18 experiencing the effects of divorce, we need to think smart about how to divorce. For people considering divorce, there is a lot to think about and we know...
by Pamela Cominos | Oct 5, 2015 | General Legal Matters, Parenting / Custody
Changing a Child’s Surname – Only if the Child’s Best Interests! It is not uncommon where parents have separated and where a child lives primarily with one parent that this parents seeks to make an application at the Federal Circuit Court or Family Court of Australia...