by Pamela Cominos | Jul 19, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Health and Wellbeing
Parenting conflicts can be difficult, lengthy and not good for the children who are caught in the middle. The role of Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL) is very important and it is for this reason that when parenting matters do come before the Court that...
by Pamela Cominos | May 20, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Property and Money
In these current times of high costs of housing, it is not unusual for people going through a divorce or separation to agree that one person retains the family home and the other party to retain an investment property. Transferring property in family law matters can...
by Pamela Cominos | May 17, 2016 | General Legal Matters
At Cominos Family Lawyers, we are able to provide our clients with urgent family law advice. If you have been served with family law papers and need urgent advice, we are available to assist you. We have the skills and staff to be able to attend to all urgent family...
by Pamela Cominos | May 17, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Parenting / Custody
One of the most difficult tasks for people who go through separation, whether they were married or in a de- facto or same sex intimate relationship is parenting after separation. The difficulty arises because parents even when together often have different styles of...
by Pamela Cominos | Apr 10, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Mediation, Property and Money
The impossibly long delays in the Family Law Courts is forging a new way to deal with with property proceedings. It is not uncommon for delays to be as long as three years to have a property matter determined. For many people this is not only frustrating but costly....
by Pamela Cominos | Mar 27, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Wills and Estates
If you have been left out of a will and thinking about contesting the will, then there are 5 things you must know! 1. Are you an eligible person? Under Part 3.2 of the Succession Act NSW 2006, section 57 an eligible person is any person who falls into the...