by Pamela Cominos | Sep 3, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Property and Money
It is not uncommon for people who are married or in de facto relationships, including same sex relationship to create trust structures or corporate structures, with the aim of protecting their assets from any liability claims or financial risk. The point of creating...
by Pamela Cominos | Aug 24, 2016 | Family Violence, General Legal Matters, Health and Wellbeing
It is a statistically known fact that women are largely the victims of domestic violence and often they and their children are the most vulnerable when it comes to their housing. As a specialist Family Law firm we unfortunately deal with family violence on a regular...
by Pamela Cominos | Aug 13, 2016 | General Legal Matters
When we hear the words divorce, separation, breakdown of a marriage or intimate relationship, we often conjure up images of blame, heated arguments and, anger aggression and conflict or someone taking advantage of someone else. There is no doubt and I would never want...
by Pamela Cominos | Jul 31, 2016 | Child Support, Divorce, General Legal Matters, Property and Money, Spousal Maintenance
Wife set to receive $16,500,000 from her late father, asks for spousal maintenance from her wealthy builder ex-husband, High Court of Australia says NO. On 8 June 2016 the High Court of Australia handed down its judgment in the case of Hall v Hall [2016] HCA 23. In...
by Pamela Cominos | Jul 25, 2016 | Collaborative Family Law, Family Violence, General Legal Matters, Mediation, Parenting / Custody
We all know that domestic violence is a very serious problem in our community with one in six women experiencing violence at the hands of a current or former partner and one in three women experiencing violence in their life time. There are men who experience...
by Pamela Cominos | Jul 24, 2016 | General Legal Matters, Property and Money
Are unvested Shares Considered a Financial Resource? Unvested Shares in a Divorce – Although the term “financial resource” is not defined by the Family Law Act (“the Act”), section 79 (4) and section 75 (2) of the Act set out the matters the Court must take into...